Paul Rayment

Since completing the Games Developer course for Train2Game I can see that it has given me a basic foundation on how to create a game, including work flows and their managers, how the various functions link together from the very first call to Windows, the creation of the Directx device, through to the loops for creation, updating and rendering.

The Train2Game course is designed in a way that has allowed me to complete the course in three years of my own time, working solely from home at my own speed and to my own agenda.

With the basic foundation of knowledge I now have of game creation using C++ and Directx 9 I can take this information and use it to create bigger and better things in other tools such as Unity and other engines that deploy to a multitude of hardware and platforms.

By completing the Train2Game Games Developer course I am now certified with an NVQ/City & Guilds at Level 7.

Prior to joining the Train2Game Games Developer course I had the following academic qualifications and work experience. (For full details on these roles and what was required can be found at );

My main skills have revolved around coding and web development along with managerial responsibilities. Wanting to get my career back on track and into the gaming industry I decided to partake in the Train2Game Games Developer course. Since starting and eventually finishing, it has become understood that a clear portfolio of work examples and attending social networking events is much more valuable than a qualification on its own.

My latest experience sees me joining the GallantCloud Games team partaking in the Microsoft Ventures Pilot Accelerator Programme in an attempt to make a newly created games studio become put together and up to speed for a 12 week programme before being thrust in front of investors to pitch ourselves and ideas on the product we have begun, in a hope to obtain financial sustainability to maintain the games studio. As the teams main key developer for every idea and concept it is a very challenging task.