Craig Moore

Train2Game has been the driving factor for being able to follow my dreams. It gave me the inspiration, contacts and motivation to take the knowledge I had, and have learnt since, and attribute it to a working environment. With a lot of hard work, and sacrifice, I have finished my course and have been able to achieve things I would not have even dreamed possible just a few years ago.


  • Learnt to create games in Game Maker, creating multiple prototypes including a complete one level demo with another Train2Game student.
  • Gained a designer work placement.
  • Attended 3 Train2Game game jams, including one world record breaker!
  • Took the role of Team lead for Digital Mage, one of the Make Something Unreal 2012 finalists at the Gadget Show.
  • Attended multiple conferences as a professional representative within the industry.
  • Finished my Train2Game designer course.
  • Took lead design in the conception and design of three brand new games, with more in the pipeline.
  • Learnt to use the game engine Unity 3D.
  • In June 2013 I went to E3 2013 in Los Angeles.
  • Secured an official job of Games Designer.
  • I continue to learn and grow on a daily basis, improving my documentation while also learning to code in C#.